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All I want is you

All I want is you

di Angela Barresi (Autore)

“All I Want Is You” is a U2 fan’s “music story”. It’s about her love for the band’s music and for the men behind the musicians, admiring their keen intelligence, their humanitarian principles and moral values . The book is a collection of articles from the author, Angela Barresi, published online for the Italian website U2360GRADI.IT, for which she has been a contributor for many years, writing for the column “360Pink”, and giving readers a female’s point of view of the band. The idea of these articles comes from a desire to share experiences and feelings that great music can inspire among all the readers. Men and women of all ages, backgrounds and cultures all feel the same passion for this band. U2 achieve in bringing together people and generations that otherwise wouldn’t have such a clear musical identity.An English version of the book was created In order to share opinions and feelings about the band outside the Italian boundaries.

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