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Among Petals and Thorns (new edition)

Among Petals and Thorns (new edition)

di Janette Lart (Autore)

Get ready to be captivated by the award-winning work, "Among Petals and Thorns," hailed for its unforgettable female protagonist that took home top honors in the prestigious Italian Literary Competition 2021, R come Romance. Formerly known as "Even Cacti Have Petals," this novel transcends the confines of traditional pink fiction, delivering a compelling narrative that delves into significant social issues while providing a heartwarming happy ending. Beneath its romantic façade lies a story that will take you on a transformative journey. Love affairs become catalysts for empowering women in the workplace, tackling the pressing topic of stalking head-on. Against the backdrop of a pandemic-ridden world, "Among Petals and Thorns" unfurls the powerful narratives of three remarkable female figures, revealing the true essence of friendship, resilience, and triumph. Prepare to be swept away by a tale that blends hope, personal growth, and the strength of human connections. Immerse yourself in a truly captivating read, where love and social consciousness intertwine, and characters navigate their way towards psychological maturity. "Among Petals and Thorns" redefines the romance genre and invites readers to explore the depths behind love's entangled web, leaving an indelible impact long after you've turned the final page.


Janette Lart
Janette Lart
15 pubblicazioni Visita la pagina Autore

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