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Story of a hidden world

di Simone Di Girolamo (Autore)

In the distant future the Earth has been devastated by climate change and great cataclysms, forcing humans to live in underground bunkers called "habitats", rich in flora and fauna scattered around the world. Here the lives of a repentant ex-scientist and a young man who was born and raised in one of the habitats without ever knowing his family and accustomed to solitude intersect. The two will find themselves facing challenges that will go beyond their imagination, discovering a "new world" dominated by strange creatures, bloodshed, betrayals, wars and the cruelty of an unscrupulous common enemy, intent on bending what remains of the humanity under his will. The scientist and the young man will learn that they are the only ones able to stop the evil that is devouring the world. But will they be willing to sacrifice their most precious gift to save what's left of mankind?


Simone Di Girolamo
Simone Di Girolamo
15 pubblicazioni Visita la pagina Autore

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