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di Edoardo Conte (Autore)

ArchetHealing is the new self-healing method that transforms suffering through the healing evocation of Archetypes. There is no doubt that we all yearn to get rid of pain. By pain we mean a manifestation of personal imperfection, from the smallest annoyance to psyche disorders; but above all, emotional disturbances caused by inner complexes and discomforts. Love is the best way to dissolve the conditionings that cause us pain, for suffering is, after all, caused by a lack of Love. Ultimately, dissolving pain means advancing on the path of spiritual perfection that raises our consciousness from conflicts and attunes it to the evolutionary Design of Love. The prototypes of that Love are the Archetypes, namely, the 7 creative forms we can emulate to build almost perfect activities of thought, feeling and action. In this regard, the ArchetHealing method acts on the totality of being, reconciling people to their Soul with visualisation techniques, reinforced by vibrational procedures that restore the information necessary to regain the original state of balance.

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