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Breath of Life: The Journey of Rebirth through Sports and Wellness

Breath of Life: The Journey of Rebirth through Sports and Wellness

From Smoker to Champion: Strategies, Tips, and Testimonials to Quit Smoking, Embrace Sports, and Build a New Healthy Lifestyle

di Emily Smoke (Autore)

"Breath of Life: The Path to Rebirth through Sport and Well-being" is not just a book; it is a transformative guide, a trusted companion on your journey to a healthier and more fulfilling life. With its evocative subtitle, "From Smoker to Champion: Strategies, Advice, and Testimonials to Quit Smoking, Embrace Sports, and Build a New Healthy Lifestyle," the book promises a path of personal growth, rediscovery, and physical and mental well-being.

Book Structure: The book is divided into three distinct yet interconnected parts, each addressing a crucial aspect of the transformation journey. The first part focuses on giving up smoking, providing proven strategies, practical advice, and customizable solutions to tackle the challenges of this difficult change. The second part guides the reader into the wonderful world of sports, introducing various types of physical activity, offering tips for creating a customized training plan, and providing nutritional advice to support the new active lifestyle. Finally, the third part is dedicated to building and consolidating a new lifestyle, touching on topics such as self-esteem, time management, work-life balance, and personal growth.

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