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Celtic Wonder Tales

Celtic Wonder Tales

di Ella Young (Autore)

From childhood we listen to tales of ghosts, banshees, haunted castles and mischievous sprites. But it is not until you immerse yourself in Gaelic literature that you realise what a heritage awaits, for Celtic folklore overflows with vivid stories that fire the imagination. This is a wonderful, enchanting collection of 12 Celtic and magical tales from Ella Young. Children aged 7-12 years old will be enchanted by the magical, mysterious stories. Tales of the Earth Shapers, Eric-Fine of Lugh, Inisfail, the classic Children of Lir, the Spear of Victory and more. So don't be surprised if when you think you have finished reciting a tale from this book that you feel a tug at your sleeve and have a request for another; and the child within you will be only too happy to read on. So take some time out and travel back to yesteryear, to a period before television and radio, a time when families would gather around a crackling and spitting hearth and granddad or grandma or an uncle or auntie would delight and captivate the gathering with stories passed on to them from their parents and grandparents from time immemorial.

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