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Ceremonial Magic

Ceremonial Magic

Becoming co-creators of the Aquarian era

di Edoardo Conte (Autore)

Ceremonial Magic is the creative practice of the new age of Aquarius. The activity of the aspiring disciple on the path of the third initiation is concentrated in it, the one that will free him from the dominion of Maya, from Astral glamor and from Mental illusion. The book explains, step by step, the procedure for building the thought-form that transforms a degraded behavior or attitude into its original Archetype or Value, thus raising its frequency. Ceremonial Magic belongs to the teaching of the 7th Ray which came to us through the writings of Lucille Cedercrans overshadowed by Master R. better known as the Count of Saint-Germain. It has been, for the first time, translated into a practical sequence to allow "world servers" to experiment and put it to good use, in order to renew the forms that are no longer sustainable for the evolution of Humanity. It is available to all honest spiritual researchers who, without prejudice, want to renew their techniques of personality integration and contact with the higher Planes, where the evolutionary Plan is known and served.

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