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Circular networking

Circular networking

Circular economy applied to business relations in Concentrazione

di Alberto Bezzi (Autore)

The book presents Circular Networking activities I have carried out from 2015 until today through Concentrazione. It is not meant to be a handbook, but a book describing through the many and real successful experiences I have had over the years, my career history, and several practical suggestions, the model and formula of Circular Networking of Concentrazione, a unique model in Italy to solve corporate problems. The book is dedicated to all the professionals, managers, entrepreneurs, consultants who are looking for solutions to corporate problems they have to deal with every day. People who share the core values of Circular Networking: trust, generosity, discussion and listening, reliability and responsibility. In this book you will therefore find information, some advice, methods and strategies to turn Circular Networking into an essential tool to deal with the challenges and critical issues we face every day in our professional activity.

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Data di uscita
Brandtopia Edizioni

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