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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.  The soul's pain

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. The soul's pain

Practical tips for the algodystrophic patient

di Fabrizio La Rosa (Autore)

The patient suffering from algodystrophy struggles daily with continuous, burning, unstoppable pain that is refractory to any pharmacological therapy. This small manual lists all those virtuous behaviors that can alleviate such suffering. At the same time, the reader will also find noted those behaviors to avoid in order not to aggravate his already precarious conditions. The thing that hurts the algodystrophic patient the most is seeing people around them who don't seem to understand, or even worse, don't believe in their ordeal. This manual aims to provide clear guidance to patients who are undergoing the NEURORESET©® integrated treatment but also other methods for the treatment of algodystrophy, in order to facilitate their path to recovery. In it you will find advice and tips for daily life. Furthermore, the entire course of the pathology will be clearly explained to you because "not knowing and not understanding" hurts even more than the harsh truth.

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