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Create Wealth and Success (2 Books in 1)

Create Wealth and Success (2 Books in 1)

di Nathan Bell (Autore)

First, I would like to thank you for choosing Retire Early with ETF Investing Strategy and congratulate you for taking the first step to securing your future. Choosing an "out of the box" way to retire can be a scary step to take, but you are serious about your future and are willing to look at different options.

Choosing a retirement strategy that's not mainstream doesn't come without risk or worries. It's understandable since there isn't always a lot of easy information about it, but this book is here to help. Here you will find everything you need to know about planning for early retirement and investing in a little know thing called EFTs.

Together we will go through the information you need to know to successfully retire early, starting at the fact that you can retire sooner than you think. This will also help to convince you that retiring early can be a good thing. Then we'll move into the logical next step, and that's figuring out the money that you are going to need in retirement. There are a lot of people who get to retirement and discover they don't have enough money to live how they were before retirement. This is what scares a lot of people. But if you sit down and figure out what you are going to need, then you won't be hit by that unfortunate situation.

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