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Diana Love Story (PT. 3). Graduation, and we plan to be a part of the season.

Diana Love Story (PT. 3). Graduation, and we plan to be a part of the season.

di Tina Scott (Autore)


The reality is dawning on them, and now they have to graduate from high school; after graduation, they have to be separated. Diana was working in a sleepaway camp. She does every summer, which means the two love birds would not often see as before; their meeting has been narrowed down to once a week, during her day off. Now Jon is worried if she would be faithful to him, even though he trusts her and she trusts him in return; he admonished her to stay strong; once they get through the summer, they would have more than enough time to bond and spend together. Jon was so madly in love he did not know when he started suggesting marriage to Diana. They had to depart and move on. Jon was not willing to lose his woman to anybody or any circumstances. But she just had to go!

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