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Did I make the right choice?

Did I make the right choice?

di Pierpaolo Maiorano (Autore)

This chapter, is told as if we were reading through his personal and secret diary, from which he has highlighted the most significant pages of the long journey he had to make to reach his goal. These are years that leave a mark, mostly in a negative way. But he is Mario M and manages to learn from every situation. He suffers... he deludes himself... suffers again... Until becoming what he is today.

He believed that the American "adventure" was his destiny, that it had become "his life". But what we wish for does not always coincide with reality.

After discovering that his mentor is a mass murderer and he is being hunted by the New York mafia... he decides to run away. Again!

The shipwreck, the most significant moments of the three hundred and thirteen days spent on the island, the illusion of having found love, the difficult decision to light the fire that will bring them back home, returning to civilization, finding out that he is alone... the long and painful rebirth. From the escape, to the shipwreck, to that decisive May 10, 2008!

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