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Explicit Erotic Sex Stories. The best sex you have ever read, the perfect stories to express your deepest desires and apply them with your partner

Explicit Erotic Sex Stories. The best sex you have ever read, the perfect stories to express your deepest desires and apply them with your partner

di Jessica Dominate (Autore)

Do you have some wild sex fantasies that you would rather let them live in the fantasy world because they are so much of a taboo?

Would you rather let your imaginations do the work rather than watch the same old repetitive crap in the name of X-rated movies?

Are you looking for sex stories that will keep you entertained, horny, and looking forward for a possible release?

Are you looking for hot sex ideas to try out with your partner?

Are you excited and curious to know the dirty doings, naughty romps, and rough poundings of other people?

If so, this book is for you!

Start listening, as it covers erotic taboo stories that will literally rock your world with pure lust, desire, and anticipation as you wet your pants!

Literotica or erotic fiction allows you to be in control of your fantasies by giving you the freedom to set the pace, choose what kind of story to listen to, and indulge your imagination to picture what's happening exactly in the stories.

Whether you're into sexy fan fiction, queer sex, or you are just looking for steamy sex scenes to get you in the mood, this book is perfect for you.

These stories describe a world of forbidden desires and delicious aches that provide true explicit stories, true desires and true passion.

Get a chance to indulge in your wildest fantasies. What are you waiting for?

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Consegna prevista: giovedì 05 dicembre
EUR {{current_price.toFixed(2)}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}} Risparmi EUR {{saved_amount}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}}
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