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FINANCIAL FREEDOM. The Ultimate Guide of How to Win at the 'Game of Money'

FINANCIAL FREEDOM. The Ultimate Guide of How to Win at the 'Game of Money'

di Danny Roberson (Autore)

Many individuals labor their whole lives, scrimping and saving to realize the American goal of financial independence. But, unfortunately, prosperity is transitory, and debt, loss, and corruption are too frequent. We're all troubled by money problems, whether we're jobless, underemployed, or still striving to climb the corporate ladder—unless we're in the one percent.

The fact is that we are all participants in the "game of money," and only those who understand how to monitor the game, recognize the levels, and bend the rules will have an advantage. In this simple book, you'll learn how the economic deck is stacked against you and how to employ tried-and-true techniques to tip the scales in your favor.

Before moving on to formulae that can help your money, you'll need to understand the fundamental structure of banks and the wider financial system. Many people feel that discovering their income niche is the solution. It isn't! This article debunks that misconception and shows the several revenue streams—ordinary, portfolio, and passive—required for economic mobility. Learn how to start new businesses like an entrepreneur and secure your possessions like a billionaire. Master the game, and you'll be able to amass a long-term fortune!

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