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Healthy Lifestyle always and everywhere

Healthy Lifestyle always and everywhere

A Wellness Vademecum

di Liliana Bordoni (Autore)

A Vademecum about global Wellness and Life Experience of a Family: experts in Healthy Lifestyle and Eating, and in Traditional Yoga. Writers on Academia.edu, creators and active authors of https://loyogadellatradizione.com. Our aim is to share information from study, research, experimentations. Ideas for reflecting and deepening on how maintain a Healthy Liifestyle always and everywhere: Nutrition and Quality of Life, space and time organization, tips for personal Hygiene, Natural Remedies and Yoga practice at home and at work, free time, our mother rules, our experiences, and many recipes or "ideas" -overall vegetable, but not only- for your meals. An inspiration and a starting point for creating your own healthy daily routine.

The Author, degree in Law and in Clinical Psychology, early in the life developed an interest in Natural Therapies and Holistic Wellbeing based on scientific research, in Biology and functioning of the complex mind-emotions-body-spirit unity.Traditional Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, Wellness and Nutrition Counselor, Raw, Vegan and Plant-based Chef (M. Kenney Academy), for years she expressed her creativity in sculpting small female figures in clay. More recently She became Master Practitioner in Aromatheraphie (French Federation) and Teacher of QiGong-Tai CHi, 1^Level (Maestro Luis Duarte).

With the aim to share her experiences she began to write books on Lifestyle, Wellness and Traditional Yoga.

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