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How to learn Korean in 30 days

How to learn Korean in 30 days

di Stefania Simonato (Autore)

This book will make you learn KOREAN in just 30 days, starting from scratch. And this is more than a simple promise. Let me explain… The process is very simple: the book is divided into 30 chapters, one for each day, to allow you to learn the basis of this language in only one month.
To get the most out of this course, you just have to follow one rule: read a chapter a day, nothing more, nothing less. If you abide by this rule and follow the instructions included in the book, the result is guaranteed. Forget the usual boring grammar lessons, anonymous and depersona-lized.
"HOW TO LEARN KOREAN IN 30 DAYS" was made with all the self-help chrisms, like a practical handbook, characterised by a personal, fun and stimulating style. It is filled with many curious anecdotes and advices useful not only to speak in KOREAN, but also to get by during a trip. If you are still not sure, keep on reading…

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