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IGOR. Your love for me, my love for you. Two souls, one heart

IGOR. Your love for me, my love for you. Two souls, one heart

di Orietta Rossi (Autore)

My life with an english setter, IGOR, an angel that walked the earth, faithful friend of my life.

A run throught my memories and the events ofan emotionful life spent together.

Painful evens, as well as the joyful ones of everyday life.

A special relationship with a really unusual dog, as even his name was: IGOR.

He understood me, in his own way, and he talked to me, with his eyes and with his tail, but most of all with the spots on his face.

We were two souls with a single heart and we will be for all eternity.


Orietta Rossi
Orietta Rossi
5 pubblicazioni Visita la pagina Autore

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