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Lady Cathryn's Lies

Lady Cathryn's Lies

di Anne Arrington (Autore)

England, 1815 - After the death of her elder brother, Cathryn Ashmore finds herself compelled to accept a position as a scullery maid in the estate of a duke, where she assumes a false identity to avoid being recognized. With no money and enduring constant mistreatment from the housekeeper, Cathryn seizes every moment of respite to escape to the river, where she can catch her breath and spend a few hours in peace, immersed in the cold water and alone with her thoughts. However, one morning, the tranquility of the secluded little stream is disrupted by the appearance of a captivating man. Intimidated by the stranger, Cathryn tells him she is a noblewoman visiting with her husband, but this does not deter the man, who invites her to a masquerade ball after revealing his true identity.

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