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Lady Diana - top secret - the name of the killer instigator revealed

Lady Diana - top secret - the name of the killer instigator revealed

di Sergio Felleti (Autore)

“This is the only book in the world which openly reveals, without fear and with evidence at hand, the name and surname of the instigator who caused the death of Princess Diana Spencer, furthermore it will be easy to discover the identity of the remaining true culprits involved in the case.Regarding the reason behind the tragic final event in which the Princess was a victim, this book reveals the real motive, the way in which her executors acted and every little detail of what went unnoticed by the greatest investigators, as well as what they were forced to hide.Like the handbook of an investigative dossier, the content in this literary work will reveal the crude truths about the case which every detective, after giving up their research, have referred to as: “LADY DIANA'S DEATH WILL REMAIN A GREAT AND IRRESOLVABLE MYSTERY”.“This book is not a novel, but a real and in-depth inquiry which lasted 3 years.A tribute to Lady D”


Sergio Felleti
Sergio Felleti
167 pubblicazioni Visita la pagina Autore

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