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Let's study English

Let's study English

di Viorica Vorona (Autore)

About the course:
Phonetic Alphabet: one is the most difficult aspects of learning English is pronunciation. The best way to learn to pronounce words well and to be understood is to consult a good phonetic explanation. This course includes the Phonetic Alphabet of all symbols with their phoneme associated in a variety of exercises and texts.
Grammar: with comprehensive explanations and exercises to practice grammar rules.
Vocabulary: a unique approach to vocabulary acquisition that is developed on the wide variety of activities as texts, dialogues which appear in every unit.
A nice thought: allows students to develop critical thinking skills through a variety of meaningful quotes and proverbs.

Informazioni editoriali

Data di uscita

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Cartaceo EUR {{current_price.toFixed(2)}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}} Risparmi EUR {{saved_amount}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}}
Consegna prevista: lunedì 20 maggio
EUR {{current_price.toFixed(2)}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}} Risparmi EUR {{saved_amount}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}}
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