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Madame Bovary. Salammbo. Sentimental Education. The Temptation of Saint Anthony. Three Tales. Bouvard and Pecuchet.

Madame Bovary. Salammbo. Sentimental Education. The Temptation of Saint Anthony. Three Tales. Bouvard and Pecuchet.

Illustrations and Original Version in French.

di Gustave Flaubert (Autore)

Gustave Flaubert was a French novelist. He has been considered the leading exponent of literary realism in his country and abroad. According to the literary theorist Kornelije Kvas, "in Flaubert, realism strives for formal perfection, so the presentation of reality tends to be neutral, emphasizing the values and importance of style as an objective method of presenting reality". He is known especially for his debut novel Madame Bovary, his Correspondence, and his scrupulous devotion to his style and aesthetics. Works by Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary. Salammbo. Sentimental Education. The Temptation of Saint Anthony. Three Tales: A Simple Heart, The Legend of St. Julian the Hospitable, Herodias. Bouvard and Pecuchet. Works about Flaubert: "Flaubert, Gustave," in Encyclopædia Britannica.

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