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Magnets and miracles. Loneliness and nostalgia in Pink Floyd's lyrics

Magnets and miracles. Loneliness and nostalgia in Pink Floyd's lyrics

di Jacopo Caneva (Autore)

Following 10 songs you should listen to before you die and the books on Tim Burton and Hayao Miyazaki, Jacopo Caneva's latest work carries out a short, but in-depth study on the concepts of loneliness and nostalgia in Pink Floyd's lyrics, from The Dark Side of the Moon to The Wall. The young writer unveils the common ground of apparently different lyrics: the memory of Syd Barrett, the genius and first leader of the group, the "crazy diamond" who gave the band the name of Pink Floyd, delivering it to myth, disappearing in anonymity after troublesome years. The book is a tribute to the legendary English rock-band and a celebration of the The Endless River, a new album of previously unreleased songs.

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