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Mesopotamians in the mountain luogo

Mesopotamians in the mountain luogo

di Lug Delpiede (luigi chiapparoli) (Autore)

Mesopotamians in the Mountain Luogo?

An evocative hypothesis? And yet... And yet ... for many years I have searched for any kind of trace of those first Neolithics who arrived in the area of the Po Valley from the Middle East, via the Balkan Adriatic coastal route. Not just in the plains, though. Traces of a mysterious past can also be found here in the Mountain Luogo, in Montarsolo, in Alta Valtrebbia (Piacenza-Italy).

A mysterious past that I will try to re-construct: who were these people and where did they come from?.


Lug Delpiede (luigi chiapparoli)
Lug Delpiede (luigi chiapparoli)
4 pubblicazioni Visita la pagina Autore

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