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Perverse Narcissists and the Impossible Relationships - Surviving love addictions and rediscovering ourselves

Perverse Narcissists and the Impossible Relationships - Surviving love addictions and rediscovering ourselves

di Enrico Maria Secci (Autore)

Perverse Narcissists and the Impossible Relationships explores mechanisms and psychological dynamics of the love addiction through the analysis of the myth of Narcissus and the narcissistic personality disorder. With lots of clinical cases and stories, the book defines the phases of love addiction and related therapeutic strategies which aim at interrupting the vicious circles of the relationship with a narcissist and saving ourselves.
After its success in Italy, Perverse Narcissists and the Impossible Relationships is available in the English version for a worldwide distribution both in paper and digital format.


Enrico Maria Secci
Enrico Maria Secci
14 pubblicazioni Visita la pagina Autore

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