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Relaxation and Stress Reduction for Beginners. A Mindfulness-Based Program

Relaxation and Stress Reduction for Beginners. A Mindfulness-Based Program

di Robin McGill (Autore)

Most people have a very vague knowledge of stress, and they would clearly fail to identify clear signals of stress. This means they might be overlooking their own real health issues as well as the issues faced by their loved ones.

This book will help you in understanding:

The real depth and penetration of stress

Types of stress and how it matters to us

Impact of stress on our body, mental, and emotional health as well as behavior

The real terms in which you need to identify stressors

Ways in which you can bring down stress at the workplace

Ways in which you can bring down stress in your personal life

Ways in which you can deal with your mind causing the stress

More importantly, ways to deal with unchangeable stressors

Techniques like meditation, visualization, mindfulness, and goal setting that can help in bring down stress

And much more….

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