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San Valentino in lingua Giapponese

San Valentino in lingua Giapponese

di Leone Gabriele Rotini (Autore)

The SAINT VALENTINE Book contains a complete vision of the Valentine's Day celebration, February 14th, in Italy and around the world, and what it represents for all lovers. From the history of the Saint, Bishop and Martyr, to his relics, which are found not only in Terni, but also in other Italian cities and even in Ireland, to the festival which is celebrated in almost all the nations of the world. Especially in the United States, Valentine's Day is an integral part of the very life and customs of Americans. Even in other countries, such as England, France, Germany, Spain, China, Japan, India, Valentine's Day represents an important part of people's customs. Young people all over the world, in particular, feel and experience Valentine's Day as a very important part of their lives. Even in countries where Valentine's Day is not celebrated, and is prohibited above all for religious reasons, there are many people who still celebrate it in private.

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