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Temporality and consumption in post-modern societies: ontologies, paradoxes

Temporality and consumption in post-modern societies: ontologies, paradoxes

di Umberto Pagano,Alessia Mangiacasale (Autore)

The individual floats in an almost alarming universe: every "sense",
every "sign", owes its right to exist to an equivalence to the
"value": the value of acceleration. This value, in some ways related
to the gradual demolition of space-time barriers, characterizes the
history of capitalism in the late modernity. We run toward a
hypertrophy of the area of economics and consumption, enough to
necessitate a reshaping of the ratio between social temporality and
consumption dynamics. In this essay, through the isomorphic use of
Physics' categories for a sociological discourse, we use the
faster-than-light speed concept to explain the new social mechanisms
of the contemporary consumer's (dis)satisfaction.

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