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The Children of the Earth

The Children of the Earth

The Seventh Hand Book 3

di Jan Marie Reynoldson (Autore)

Corin and Shenanda knew their son was special. Even in the womb Stefan was sensitive to evil and was pained by it. A seer called him a Child of the Earth, one destined to oppose evil and do great deeds, but they did not expect him to start before birth.

From the womb Stefan guided his family to rescue the Four, a group of Children of the Earth imprisoned by evil sorcerers. In thanks, the Four stayed for the birth, blessing the special child, and vowing to aid him in the future.

Though his parents tried to shield him from evil, Stefan's powers naturally pitted him against it, and he found his life increasingly difficult. With the blessings of his family, Stefan embarked on a journey of self-discovery over land and sea to the Isle of Mer where he would discover the true nature of his powers and how to control them.

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