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THE HAIR - Its Growth, Care, Disease and Treatment

THE HAIR - Its Growth, Care, Disease and Treatment

di Hermann Beigel M.D. (Autore)

The human hair being an ornament which it is almost everybody's endeavour to preserve inviolate as long as possible, it is explicable, why the fear of losing that ornament has become a matter of speculation of charlatanism on the credulity of the public. The best means of confounding the designs of such speculations, is the statement of real facts, distributing thus the light of knowledge.

The following pages are intended to be a popular treatise, aiming at showing that the laws by which the life of the hair is governed differ not from the laws to which the body at large is subject, and that deviations of normal development must be considered - as is the case in other organs - as disease and treated as such.

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