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The new and the old

The new and the old

di Paolo Franco Donati (Autore)

"The new and the old" is a contemporary photo journey in the actual urban scenario of Milan's Citylife district. With more than 90 color pictures, this fascinating book wants to catch up the merger between the vertical new and the old Liberty-style buildings of this district.

With more thant 20 years spent as an HR professional in different industries, Paolo Donati is also the founder of "When in Italy (do as the Italians do)" website and blog whose goal is to promote the Italian culture and lifestyle with a fresh and contemporary view. For more: http://wheninitaly.strikingly.com/ http://wheninitaly.strikingly.com/

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EUR {{current_price.toFixed(2)}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}} Risparmi EUR {{saved_amount}} EUR {{form.item.thisBook.listPrice.toFixed(2)}}
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