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The signs of God's love

The signs of God's love

The apparitions of Our Lady of Trevignano Romano and the signs of Jesus' passion onto the skin of the mystic Gisella Cardia

di Ferdinando Carignani (Autore)

The apparitions of Our Lady of Trevignano Romano and the signs of Jesus' passion onto the skin of the mystic Gisella Cardia

"Do not cover the signs that Jesus leaves you, let everyone see the love of my Son's passion."

With these words, in a message dated September 22nd, 2016 Our Lady asks Gisella not to hide the signs of God's love when they occur, but to offer her witness through them. This is the aim of this book. It provides an unprecedented photographic collection of the hemographies and wounds of Jesus' passion that appear on Gisella's skin since 2016, the year of the first heavenly apparitions to the mystic from Trevignano Romano.

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