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Why Few Succeed and Many Fail

Why Few Succeed and Many Fail

di DR. R. A. Richardson (Autore)

The title of this book, "Why Few Succeed and Many Fail," naturally makes you wonder why the author would think himself capable of answering this question. To begin with, the author has supported himself since the age of twelve, due to the fact that he had to work his own way through colleges of optometry, ophthalmology, osteopathy and surgery, without the aid of parents or friends, thus giving him a wide experience with people in many walks of life. During his vacation each season he sold different kinds of merchandise, everything from soup to automobiles, including insurance, stocks, farm lands, city real estate, in fact anything at which he could make a living during his vacation and after school hours. For these reasons you can rest assured that the information contained in this book will be of practical value and not a few printed pages of theory. The author's wide travel in foreign countries as well as all parts of America gives him first-hand information as to why people in all walks of life fail, and why very few have been successful.

You have often heard it said that people cannot be successful until they learn to concentrate. Also that people cannot be successful unless they have financial backing.

That people cannot be successful unless they have health. That they cannot be successful without education. All of these are false, and within the pages of this book, I propose to show you why they are false.

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